Jennifer T.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

PhD in Happiness

For most of us, there are things about ourselves that we might like to be true, that we might struggle to make true, but that we know in our hearts to be more or less bollocks. And as long as we cling to them, happiness is hard to find.
Letting go.
My back has been hurting lately ever since the car accident, I stopped going to the chiropractor because I was sick and tired of going there cause it took off a lot of time from my homework and tennis. But now that I stopped I can't even play tennis any more cause my back hurts so much, especially when I serve, I can't even sit still or goto sleep without waking up in the middle of the night walking around and bending back and forth just to crack my back.
I barley get any sleep, hopefully tonight I can just screw my chemistry homework and goto bed. I finished studying my medical abbreviations, read The Great Gatsby chapter 5 was really good in my opinion, did vocab, and math homework. Next week I'm going on biology trip with my sister Joanna, we get to do a lab. [=
Yay sister bondage!

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Crush - Theory feat . Red Cafe

I need to stop falling asleep when I eat, its just not a pretty picture. I fell asleep once eating cereal and some how I flinged my spoon and cereal splattered every where in my room. When I woke up there was little cheerios stuck on my wall and I was like wtf?

Had a long talk with my brother, Duy. I learned that we have a lot in common, he's a great friend! We both like watching Bones, Fringe, and I plan on getting fishies from him soon. O:<
But yeah, we had a chat about our past and love stories and crap. It felt good to talk to someone. I woke up early to work on APUSH and I read chapter 34 in like 2 hours, I was like woah. But chapter 35 is a bit larger, then I have to finish the questions and then I'll be done with my homework. Today I play on playing tennis and jogging a bit, my calves are getting big. :p
My room is such a mess I need to start cleaning up, I always promise myself I will but every time I attempt to I always get distracted, because either I find something I lost and I go off and celebrate by cooking myself a nice treat or I watch TV while cleaning and then I just end up watching TV the whole time. Epic fail much? Yeah.
So, my girl, Phoebe just came back from Seattle like 2 days ago. C= I missedddd youuu!! When ever I'm in need of a friend to talk to I goto her and she gives me the strangest advice, but I like talking to her. We've been best friends since middle school when our Fobby supermoms met each other at the pick up area. At first I thought Phoebe was strange for wearing black all the time, but as I got to know her I got to admire her because idk....I just really liked her. We have so much in common! Phoebe is my future bridesmaid for sure! I love this girl, every time she comes over to my house we watch cartoons on the PBS channel and play video games.

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Session with Mary Dang

So yeah, my cousin was here and we were just talking and stuff.
Tennis yesterday was fun, I played tennis around 11:30 until 7:15-ish. I met this really adorable kid, Christina's little brother, Hamilton! He such a cutie and I love it when he speaks Chinese, it makes me smile C=. Any ways, before that I got ice cream with Joanna, walked with Jimmy to the market, ate lunch with the family, jogged with Jiahuan, Hamilton, Christina, and MyVan. Then I jogged around the park for 4 laps, it was very nice I haven't ran in a long time.
I had a nightmare last night....then I told Phoebe about it and she told me it was okay, now I feel better. =D
What a unproductive day, I woke up at 9 and made breakfast then fell asleep at 11 and woke up at 12:30. Then I have no idea what the heck I did later, so now I'm here sitting. Probably going to finish reading The Great Gatsby and do my chemistry homework then APUSH.
So yeah, this is all I've got the report. 4 more days until I got back to school, lets make everyday count. [=
To do list:
-Shopping with Mimi
-HW: english, chemistry, APUSH, health occ (maybe)
-Discovery channel & yoga
-Go out to eat with the gang ;D

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Spring break! =D

Had a tennis match yesterday and played against the 3rd varsity girls and won! Yeaah, Sara is a lovely doubles partner. My backhand return was like, BAM, and my serve was like "Woosh". Tried to goto sleep during the bus cause I had a long night on Thursday but the bus was a super rough ride, so I just listened to my iPod and stared out the window [:
I went to this BBQ with Phoebe and had a burger cause I skipped lunch. It was yummy, but then I lost my appetite... :D
I can't believe spring break is here, I've been waiting for it since Winter break ended, now all that I look forward to is summer break and hanging with my friends.
Lots of homework over the break, hopefully I can finish it by Friday so I won't be stressed out on Sunday...